Saturday, December 30, 2006

All My Friends

Hey everyone. My life is crazy like most middle school lives. I mean "growing up" is enough to put you over the edge, but we also have fights with friends, homework, extra activities...all that crap. It really sucks when your friends get made at you for NO reason. That's what happened to me a few weeks ago.
Okay...One of my best friends is a guy...I have a boyfriend...He "had" a girlfriend...We talk all the time. Someone started a rumor that I liked him and that we flirted all the time. We didn't. Now his girlfriend is one of my best friends and she heard the rumor and turned everyone against me...even my best, best, best friends and a few words were said that shouldn't have been. Finally I talked to his girlfriend and we found out who started the rumors and now we are all best friends again. THE END...NOT!!!

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